Saturday 30 November 2013

Just Mumbling

Having this time of peace, even for a short while, makes me happy. Not knowing what tomorrow has stored, is stressful but yet again taking time to relax and do other stuff helps allot. "Here i go again ............". I don't have anything funny to say today so am just mumbling around. Am seating here drinking my beer and making silly thoughts. Am not drunk though. You see in order to get drunk, you need to be sober first! Go figure that out!!! Anyway, not that you care but today i start composing a new song. It has no tittle and am still thinking what more to pout in it. I might finish it at the end of the year. And even if i finish it, i can't share it cause the license of the programme i use it's expired. He he he he!!!! Whatever. I could offer you a beer but this is my last one. It's ok. Next time. Either way i have to go. It was nice talking to you. Sorry for not posting anything crazy, is just that the batteries in my vibrator run out and i need to change them again!!!! Mouahahahahaha!!! Please don't let me think. It's Dangerous!!!

Friday 29 November 2013

Learn to Speak

Finding the right words to express yourself, sometimes it is a pain in the ass. You need to think and you need to speak. But the thing is that in many occasions our brain doesn't want to think. And you're standing there talking, but not making any sense. You are right, but you can't explain it. You're telling the truth but you can't describe it. It is frustrating. I just hate the fact that some people can talk with such a fluency, they can even sell condoms to a nun. I wish i had that talent! Not selling condoms but to speak fluently. All i can sell is a vibrator to a slut and cheap! Oh am sorry, i didn't mean to be bad, is just that i don't have that fluency when i talk! Schlaaaaaaaagg! He he he he he! Please don't let me think. It's Dangerous!

Thursday 28 November 2013

Lets go Back

Today you have a chance to become a kid again. It's not hard. Just try and remember any little thing you did as a kid. Now try and remember your first friends. Remember all the kind of troubles you got in to and how you tried to avoid them. Were you naughty as a kid? I know we were! You can't imagine the things we did. And every time we got caught we turned in to little angels. "It wasn't me.......". I was the one with the good excuses. No matter what we did i always had an excuse to get away with it. It makes me laugh and feel a bit nostalgic. We were unbelievable. All the pranks we did to each other and all of our innocent fights. God i miss those times! It makes me think what a pain it will be to have a kid like me. That's payback baby!!! Well we still have time but you never know.... Anyway, i just miss my friends. I want to see them again. Time will tell. That's all for now. Wait till next time. And please don't let me think. It's Dangerous!!!

Sunday 24 November 2013


Let me share a story with you. So many years ago at a really small village there was a kid. That kid one day decided that it was time for him to go for a swim. Unfortunately the beach was to far and no swimming pools around to visit. What to do. There was this really big water-tank at the local school's rooftop. Well i was 10 years old so what do i care right? Right? Anyway i climbed to the roof and splash ............ The shitty part is that someone saw me and snitched me. But here my friends is a real hero. After i was caught the mayor installed a new tank because he thought i psssssssss in the other one. Because of me the school had clean water for many years to come. Mouahahahahahahaha.

Saturday 23 November 2013

For the love of God

Stop torturing me. My flatmate is from India. I've been listening Bollywood songs for the last 3 hours. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Sorry i had to take that out. Tomorrow i'll wake up and speak Indian. Anyway i've been bitten by a bug carrying a very rare disease. It is called lazynous de sleepyous. Just imagine that i am writing with one hand, one letter per second. Am dying kgvhkvgoghjkhvbbb.,,,..,ll./ beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Just kidding. I feel so lazy right now, even if they come to rape me i won't say thank you. Hahaha hahaha funny.

Why are you not laughing? No worries it's ok if you're slow and need time till you get it. That aside i was watching my page-views stats and i realize that Americans are the most frequent visitors. Thank you and i love you. UK comes second. Thank you and i love you too. Third is the love of my life, Cyprus. Ευχαριστώ αγάπες μου. There's some other countries as well and i thank you and love you too. To be honest i didn't expect this. People read the things i write, even if they find me randomly, and every day more people are joining. Don't get me wrong am not building a museum for me like C. Ronaldo. Am just a shitty little human. But it's rare for me to get this kind of response. I do appreciate that you spent your time to read my stuff and am really thankful. All i have to do now is to continue and work as hard as i can. Thank you.

p.s. Please don't let me think. It's Dangerous!!!

Starting Something New

I am trying to change this page for the last 4 hours. Nothing was right and still nothing is. Am sure that i will find something else that i don't like and change it again. And again. And again. I will never stop. Am laughing at myself right now. I feel crazy. Well whatever it's worth i enjoy doing stuff like these. Aha aha i like it. Hopefully you will like my page too. There's lots of things to do and share and with your support all can be possible! Not just for this page but for "mostly disappointed" too. Lets just say that it was my time to start doing something i love for the first time. Its like looking in the mirror and see the reflection of my self in a different way. It does make me feel scared but still the excitement is to great. I have started something new that makes me feel good about my self. I have the opportunity to create something special. I am proud to say that everything comes from my soul. I am writing everything myself and not just another copy paste. Be sure that if i find and post something that i like and want to share with you, its going to say that it's not mine. For now all i can hope is for you to like my pages and i promise to write and post as often as i can. And for the love of god please don't let me think. It's dangerous!

Thursday 21 November 2013

Shitty situation

I just spent the last 5 hours filling forms and applications online about a job. I mean come on, 5 hours. Just think that i started at 2:00 am. Finally am sitting and relaxing. And i thought to myself, why not write something. A strange inspiration came over me. You see were i sit, is one of the best places to finish a game on the phone, read a magazine, and make life changing decisions. And it's so refreshing and relaxing!!! Shut up you do it too. Anyway the point is that i made my point. That aside am thinking if i was there, in person, making this applications ............ no way, am not sitting there for 5 hours, writing and writing and writing. I had that pain at school not again! But here i am relaxing and taking out my .............. (you're sick) thoughts and writing down whatever comes in my ......... (stop it) head. I can't help thinking how nice it will be if someone came to my door and offered me a dream job. Not 5 hours applications, nothing. "Hello am rich, i want to give you your dream job and a shit-lots of money". PERFECT!!!!!!!! Anyway i have to wipe my ........... (you sick ba****d) laptop cause is dusty so see you soon and please don't let me think. It's dangerous!!!

I started thinking

Today for some reason i woke up with a weird feeling of optimism. I had to do some chores and wile doing them i felt good. I know right! Doing chores and feeling good! Anyway putting aside all the misfortune in my life and the shits i had and still am going through it is really nice to have that strange feeling of happiness when you do little and simple things. It could be washing the clothes (not me but the machine), washing the dishes, cleaning the kitchen, cleaning the room, cleaning the bathroom. If i get a job as a cleaning lady probably i'll be the happiest person in the world! Oh my god kill me now! Anyway. Really small everyday things can bring you, for a short while, peace and calm your mind. That goes in contrast with mom's of course. When they clean they have to moan about everything and they never shut up (about that see this video That aside today i had an appointment with a doctor and he was really nice and helpful. He was doing his job, yes, but the fact is that he was making me feel good. You don't get extra bonus for that. Just think if everyone was treating people like that doctor, what kind of a world we would have now. HEAVEN. There are always problems but still when you get that kind of treatment from others it can really make a difference. It can make an elephant size problem look like an ant.
For now i feel a little bored so i stop here. See you later and please don't let me think! It's dangerous!