Wednesday, 26 October 2016


Found another moment to sit down and start blubbering. Yes. Here we go again >.< Well what can i do? It's unavoidable! ^-^ So anyway. I was watching a video the other day about leaders, dictators and power. It got me thinking. Is it that bad to want something different than the current status? I know haw the system works(well partially) and what it needs, but i can't stop thinking about all the casualties. Those who are in a way sacrificed, just so targets or goals can be achieved. I always believed that there's going to be a time that everything is going to get better, and that the suffering of others isn't going to be something that we will still discuss. It seems that we are creating more suffering knowingly, than we did when we had no clue. Why are we sitting idle, with our mouth shut, closed ears, and we look away? So much fear spread around by groups in control. We are more divided today than we ever were. So f*cking depressing. If only people were more eager to help than to be helped... 0_0 Well, what can you do? We're just a bunch of selfish bastards right? O_o
Don't let me think. It's Dangerous!

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