Sunday, 15 December 2013

Hard Truth

La la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la, la la la la la la! Guess what song is this... Ok i will give you a hind. They're small and blue, and their village is hidden deep with in the forest. No? Lets see. If you suck their d*ck your tongue will become blue. Hehehehehe. Not yet? Is it that hard to find out? Ok here's a picture
Some of you may wonder why i mention this song and the Smurfs? For no reason at all. The song mysteriously stuck in my head and now i can't get it out. There for am going to stuck it in your heads too! Mouahahahahahahaha!!! Am bad! Am really bad! Anyway, have you ever thought why the Smurfs are like that? Well the fact is that papa smurf is a potion master. You know potion master...... Who knows what kind of stuff he has in his house... I recently came across this picture 

I know i know, i destroyed your childhood but the truth needed to come out. Well don't worry, you were going to find out sooner or later. I will check and find more hard truths about cartoons that you don't know about. Am sure i'll find plenty! That's all for now, wait till next time my vibrators batteries run out. And please don't let me think. It's Dangerous!!!

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